Boarding and Training (effective 11.1.24)

Full Board: $950/month - includes stall, turnout, feed, hay, blanketing in winter

Training Board**: All Full Board services included plus a minimum of 4 pro rides, lessons or combination thereof per week. Also includes tack up, grooming, bathing, tack cleaning, mane pulling and leg/ear/face trimming. Must commit to 4 pro rides, lessons or combination thereof per week for at least a one month period to be eligible for training board rates.

**Pro rides under training board are discounted to $50 (Standard lesson rates apply).

**Rate is Full Board ($950) + pro ride and/or lesson fees. Calculated on an individual monthly basis in accordance with pro rides and lessons provided.

Field Board Plus: $550/month - 2 stall shed row located in field near main barn - includes grain and hay twice a day year round, night turnout

Field Board: $400/month - includes grain twice a day year round, hay in the winter, full use of facilities (tack room, wash racks, crossties, etc.) and riding areas

Retirement Board: $350/month - includes grain twice a day year round, hay in the winter. Does not include use of facilities or riding areas.

Layover Board: $50/day for stays less than 30 days - includes shavings

Lessons and Pro Rides

Private Lesson:  $70/lesson**

**$70 fee for no shows or cancellations without 24 hours notice

Group Lesson:  $60/lesson

Pro Ride: $70/ride

Pro Ride on Training Board: $50/ride

Showing Expenses           

Coaching at Shows:  $100/day 

Riding at Shows:  $75/class

Horse Day Care:  $50/day

Trailering:  $1.50/mile for one horse, $1.00/mile for two or more horses

A La Carte

Mane Pull/Trim:  $35

Show Clip (Ears, Legs, Face):  $35

Body Clipping:  $175

Tack Up Service:  $30/ride

Sheath Cleaning: $30

Blanketing for field board/field board plus: $125 per month

Please inquire for any additional services not listed.